Frequently Asked Questions:
1. This is my first time, where do I start?
A: It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or have been doing HIIT workouts for years, we all do the workout of the day (WOD). If it is your first time, you are going to be doing it slower than the more advanced athletes. So it doesn't matter what the WOD is, the progression comes from you as you become stronger and faster. Don't worry about all the WODs you've missed, they cycle back through about every 6 months and then you will really see how much you have improved, as long as you have been posting your times! :)
2. What equipment do I need?
A: I have included a page with a list of suggested equipment. It is not very many things and they are all fairly inexpensive to acquire. You can get each thing for under $20.
3. Do you do any kind of warm up or cool down?
A: To be honest, I don't. When there is running involved, I stretch extensively, which is probably a good idea before any WOD.... but I am a busy Mom and I just turn on the music, turn on my timer, and get 'er done. When I am done, my cool down is lying flat on my back on the ground and panting until I can breath again. :)
4. Is the WOD the ONLY thing you do for exercise, even when it is only 4 minutes!?
A: The answer for me, is yes. I love it when it is only a 4 minute WOD and I don't stress about it because I still feel like it was a 4 minute beating and I know that tomorrow could be a 20 minute beating so it evens out. Our bodies need change, variety, variation, and unpredictability to get the most from the workouts. It brings about the most change the quickest. But I was already at a weight that I was happy with and wanted to be fitter, toned, tight, fast and look HOT! So just the WOD is working for me. If you have some weight to lose, you can add in a run after the WOD to burn some extra calories. Try not to do anything before the WOD because it will affect your times and make it harder to gauge your progress.
5. What if I can't finish the WOD?
A: Everyone is at different stages in their fitness. Things that come easy to me now (like burpess, push-ups, and knees-to-elbows) where incredibly difficult for me when I was a beginner. The key is to push as hard as you can and finish the WOD no matter how long it takes you. It is your body vs your mind and your body can win every time if your mind will shut up and let you finish. It will surprise you what your body can accomplish if you let it. :)
6. I have no idea what these exercises are! How do I know what to do?
A: Go to the full site (not mobile) and scroll down the right side bar. There are video demos for all the exercises we do in alphabetical order.
7. How do I join the Hiit Mamas 90 Day Challenge?
A: To join the Hiit Mamas 90 Day Challenge, use this link: and click on "I Accept The Challenge". You can pick your Vi-shake kit (all the shakes are the same but each kit comes with different options according to your goals). It will give you a link and you can use that link to share with 3 friends and when they join, your kit will be free from then on! I cannot say enough about the Vi-shakes and how they have propelled me to the next level in my Hiit Mamas progression! My hair and nails are stronger, my skin is clearing, I have more energy, I am eating less, I am sleeping better and that last layer of fat that I have never seen myself without is melting away! I LOVE these shakes and that is why I have no problem sharing them with you. I know who much they can help each and every one of my Mamas. My husband does them too. ;) If you have any other questions or need help, email me at or message me on our Facebook page.
8. How should I modify the WODs if I am pregnant?
If you are doing the WODs while pregnant, there are a few things to be careful of. No heavy lifting, slow down and concentrate on form, not time or speed. You should be able to breath and talk while working out to make sure the baby is getting adequate oxygen. No sit-ups after the first trimester because you need to stay off your back. And stay well hydrated.
9. What if I can't run because of an injury or access to the outdoors?
If you are prohibited from running, either from injury or live in a cold weather state that prohibits you from being outside and you can't make it to an indoor track, here are some substitutions for last resort:
Each these equal 100 meter run:
2 up & down the stairs
50 jump jacks or jump rope
5 burpees
running in place 30 seconds
mountain climbers for 30 seconds
swim 100 meters
10. What if I have abdominal diastasis?
Abdominal disatisis is a separation of the median abdominal muscles during pregnancy. This is very common and in some cases, they will come back together after pregnancy and heal properly. It is very common for them to stay separated though and there are things you can do that will make the condition better or worse. The first weeks after delivery are the most critical but anyone can do things to improve their diastasis no matter how far post-partem you are. Check out this site for a ton of information, including how to determine if you have abdominal diastasis and video demos of exercises you can do to improve the separation. The main things to avoid until the separation is closed are: any ab exercise that pushes your abs outward like sit-ups and any twisting exercise. The exercise that help are ones that draw your abs in and back towards your spine, like planks, wall exercise, and anything that draws your abs in. Once your abs have closed back up, you can resume all abdominal exercises but check with your Dr. first.
6. I have no idea what these exercises are! How do I know what to do?
A: Go to the full site (not mobile) and scroll down the right side bar. There are video demos for all the exercises we do in alphabetical order.
7. How do I join the Hiit Mamas 90 Day Challenge?
A: To join the Hiit Mamas 90 Day Challenge, use this link: and click on "I Accept The Challenge". You can pick your Vi-shake kit (all the shakes are the same but each kit comes with different options according to your goals). It will give you a link and you can use that link to share with 3 friends and when they join, your kit will be free from then on! I cannot say enough about the Vi-shakes and how they have propelled me to the next level in my Hiit Mamas progression! My hair and nails are stronger, my skin is clearing, I have more energy, I am eating less, I am sleeping better and that last layer of fat that I have never seen myself without is melting away! I LOVE these shakes and that is why I have no problem sharing them with you. I know who much they can help each and every one of my Mamas. My husband does them too. ;) If you have any other questions or need help, email me at or message me on our Facebook page.
8. How should I modify the WODs if I am pregnant?
If you are doing the WODs while pregnant, there are a few things to be careful of. No heavy lifting, slow down and concentrate on form, not time or speed. You should be able to breath and talk while working out to make sure the baby is getting adequate oxygen. No sit-ups after the first trimester because you need to stay off your back. And stay well hydrated.
9. What if I can't run because of an injury or access to the outdoors?
If you are prohibited from running, either from injury or live in a cold weather state that prohibits you from being outside and you can't make it to an indoor track, here are some substitutions for last resort:
Each these equal 100 meter run:
2 up & down the stairs
50 jump jacks or jump rope
5 burpees
running in place 30 seconds
mountain climbers for 30 seconds
swim 100 meters
10. What if I have abdominal diastasis?
Abdominal disatisis is a separation of the median abdominal muscles during pregnancy. This is very common and in some cases, they will come back together after pregnancy and heal properly. It is very common for them to stay separated though and there are things you can do that will make the condition better or worse. The first weeks after delivery are the most critical but anyone can do things to improve their diastasis no matter how far post-partem you are. Check out this site for a ton of information, including how to determine if you have abdominal diastasis and video demos of exercises you can do to improve the separation. The main things to avoid until the separation is closed are: any ab exercise that pushes your abs outward like sit-ups and any twisting exercise. The exercise that help are ones that draw your abs in and back towards your spine, like planks, wall exercise, and anything that draws your abs in. Once your abs have closed back up, you can resume all abdominal exercises but check with your Dr. first.
this is great - Thank you!!!! I'm so glad to hear your cool down - much like mine =)
What about food? Do you eat before your WOD or not, or does it depend? I usually do my WOD before breakfast or lunch...Do you think it makes a difference? When I was doing endurance runs I always ate I feel like I should eat, but now I usually just want to get the WOD done and move on so I skip it!! :)
Personally, I eat breakfast first thing in the morning to jump start my metabolism, drop kids off at school, them come back and do the WOD. I have a protein shake after. I am not a weight loss/diet expert so I am not sure if either makes a difference for losing weight.
I have stress fractures in my heels and need to stay off my feet. Is it possible for me to still do crosstraining without putting heavy pressure on my feet?
You could still do sit-ups, KTE, rowing, swimming, and all the upper body exercises sitting down.
So I am like 50 pounds over weight. I really want to do this, but is it realistic for me to start being so over weight? Also I am at point like zero...negative zero if that can be possible. How did you start?!!?!
This is so great, thanks! I'm about to turn 33 on 9/24, and also a momma to many, (5 kids ages 2-9.) Started working out last year after last baby turned one. My question is this, I'm currently lifting weights 4 days a week and want to incorporate your WOD's. Do you think it'll be alright to do them on my lifting days? My sessions right now are about 25-35 minutes, depending on which muscles I'm working. Or would it be better to do them on my off days? Thanks so much!
Hi Catherine! I think it is completely realistic and possible for you to jump right into Crossfit. I have another follower that is 100 lbs overweight and there is a man who is 85 years old on the Crossfit site doing it. We are all at different levels with different limitations. You will be slow at first but push yourself harder than you think you are able. Your mind is the most powerful influence and your body is capable of way more than you realize. If everyone just left the excuses and the door and pushed through, great results would follow. No matter how slow you are, be determined to finish each workout no matter what and you will progress quickly. :)
Hi Crystal! We have a lot in common! Except you beat me in the kid competition. To answer your question, I have done weight lifting on a gym, and everything else for that matter, and Crossfit is it for me. Weight lifting will make your muscles Crossfit is all over body conditioning, weight lifting with natural movements, cardio, endurance, speed and power. I love how all aspects for fitness are incorporated and I an still done in 20 minutes or less. I am in the best shape overall of my life. My endurance surprises me every day. I would try to do the WOD every day and then see if you still feel like you need the weight lifting. :)
Thanks for the tip! I think I'll finish this week with what I'm doing, and then start the WOD on Monday. Hard to believe it'll get it all done, but excited to try! Thanks again!
What if I don't know what some of these exercises are? Is there a way to find out?
Hi Laurin!
If you go to the fill site and scroll down on the right side bar, there are video demos for each exercise in alphabetical order. :)
And all demos with a bar can also be done with dumbbells.
Ah!! Thank you so much!! This blog is amazing!!
Can you post the tank top to Australia?
Yes! Of course! I have already sent one there. :)
This is my first time doing crossfit and really working out since having my second child (8mo). I plan on doing the WOD from the day before just so I can figure out each work out and how i'm going to do them since i'm working out at 4:30am... yay
Question if I dont have a pull up bar how do I do knee to chest or pull ups when part of the WOD. Every door frame in my house is for a bedroom and we have a very narrow door for the bathrooms which are close to the bedrooms and i dont want to wake any one up... suggestions to replace these?
Well, the best option is to get a removable, mount free pull-up bar. I have posted an example on our Facebook page. They are cheap and work great. If that is absolutely not possible, some of the Mamas do knees to elbows on the floor in various ways and you can replace pull-ups with push-ups. (But try to get the bar ;)
If you are trying to lose weight and not just maintain you can add 30 mins cardio after the WOD or if it is a shorter one try doing it twice or combining two shorter WODs (scroll to comments to get an idea of how long they take). Good luck!
What are others doing for K2E on the floor? From what I have read they technically can only be done from a bar so are they doing mountain climbers or squat thrusts or sow thing along those lines? I have a bar at home but want to be able to do these on vacay. Do you recommend replacing this move with cf sit ups or some thing else while away from a bar?
From what I have heard, people are laying on their backs with their hands anchored over their heads and then bringing their knees up to touch their elbows.
This might seem like a dumb question, but how do those of you with young children do the running portions of these WOD's? I'm trying to get back into exercising after my first baby, but I was a gym rat before and now I don't have time for all that. I'm trying to do things around the house, and my friend loves CrossFit and thinks I could do this from home. But I'm not sure about the running. I could probably squeeze in the workouts in the morning, but I'm alone with the baby then, and I can't strap him in the stroller for every 500m run, especially when there are multiple rounds. And that's too far to do in my backyard. Or is it? Maybe I could just sprint back and forth a bunch of times? Are there other cardio options to replace the running? Just do a million jumping jacks, maybe? Any other ideas?
I had the same concern and am just starting this workout. I've been doing jumping jacks in replace of the run maybe when I get in a little more shape I can replace that with burpees or something ....
Hi Sarah B.-
When I started doing Crossfit at home, my youngest was 9 months old. Here is how I do it: When it is a long run and he was 9 months old, I would wait until the next day when my hubby was home until he got big enough to strap into a jogger. When it was meter rounds, like 500 meters 5 times, I would wait until his nap time and then open the garage and run circles around my 100 meter court or you can measure up and down your street. The WODs are short so it is doable. Then, when he outgrew his morning nap, I would park the stroller on the grass, buckle him in with a snack and a sippy cup and he would watch me do the rounds around the court. Now I have moved and don't live in a court anymore and my baby is 2 1/2. I sill have him sit in the stroller on the grass if it is under 200 meter rounds and he counts for me as I go back and forth. If it is more, he goes in the jogger and we run our round, I put his break on in the garage, he counts out my reps, then we go again, etc. Afterwards I will free him and he can ride his bike while I cool down. He is used to it now. ;) Hope that helps.
I am just wrapping my brain around this thing, before I get to kicking my own butt. I keep reading "complete WOD" does this mean to the best of your currant ability... Like what if I can't get my knees to my elbows ( I haven't tried yet but I'm just thinking) do I just get them as close as possible till the day I can actually get there?
Hello Sunshine- ;)
Your goal for every WOD is to complete it, come what may. You push yourself farther than you think you can and take rests when you have to until you are done. If you absolutely cannot finish, just record what you were able to complete in comments so you can compare the next time you do that WOD. When I first started a year and a half ago, my knees to elbows were more like knees to waist! So I just stated that in my comments. Just get them as close as possible knowing that you are building more muscle each time you attempt. :)
Thanks, I am 32, a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of 4. Don't need to lose weight, just want to get tight again, without spending 2 hours a day 6 days a week in the gym like I could before all my little people. This seems like a better fit for my life and craziness. One more question... My 13 year old is a hard core ballerina, I am thinking this might be something that she could do to add to her conditioning what are your thoughts?
Well, I am no dance instructor, but I would think that cross training and conditioning can help you be better at any type of physical activity. More endurance, stamina, strength, power, muscle....I can't imagine a dance teacher being against that!?
Just found your blog and it's so inspiring! I, too, am at a happy weight, but have lost so much tone, strength and stamina since having my son and I don't have enough time to workout for hours every day. Even just a 30 min yoga DVD and my 3 year old son is bugging me for something.
A few friends and my sister are big into CrossFit and I would love to join a gym. The expense and lack of a day care option has always held me back. Being able to do these at home really has me motivated now.
Any thoughts on an alternative to running when there's too much snow outside to run? Thanks!
Hi Alex-
That is exactly how I was...skinny and mushy with no endurance at all. Crossfit has surely cured that!! I am glad you found us. My suggestion for subbing runs is some other form of endurance activity for the same amount of time the running would take you: jump rope, jump jacks, eliptical, stationary bike, etc.
You say you use DB's only so in a WOD that says 40# is that total weight or each DB? WOD of 12-24 says 40# front squats I would say total 40# but WOD of 12-27 says push presses 10# and I would say 10# each hand? Love your site..thanx for posting everyday :)
So, if only the weight is listed, since some of the Mamas are using a bar, it will always be referring to the total weight, unless I specify dumbbells, like on 12.27.12.
Your welcome! I love it too. :)
A youtube search pulls up all kinds of different things for reverse pull ups. Would you clarify how you do yours?
NV- Sorry about that! When I say reverse pull-up I mean to start at the top of a pull-up and slowly lower down, but if some Mamas are doing pull-ups from an inclined or laying position under a table, etc. that is fine too.
You refer to a facebook page in your comments. I was wondering what name to look for as I would like to follow that along with your crossfit blog. Really loving the workouts! Thanks for posting them!
Where is the best place to purchase a plyobox and medicine ball?
Mel- I got my 10 lb rubber coated weight ball at Target but they also sell good ones at As far as the box, I haven't found a good place. I would commission your hubby to build you one. One of the Mamas posted a DIY box with dimensions and instructions on our facebook page.
Tari- Here is the link to our facebook page:
We are also on Twitter: @crossfitmamas and Instagram: CrossfitMamas. I will work on getting buttons for the pages.
My husband would be interested in doing these workouts with me, what would you suggest to gear them towards a male?
Hi Erin- We have many husbands or boyfriends that are joining in our WODs and it is great! I love being joined by my husband who also does the Crossfit Mama WODs. The only thing my hubby does differently is he will up the weights to his max ability and if I tell him that I switched the pull-ups to push-ups for our WOD, he will switch them back to pull-ups. This can be done anytime he wants to do pull-ups instead. :)
Can I join without buying the vi-shakes? I don't have the money myself, and none of my friends/family are interested. Thanks.
Hallie Ann
The Crossfit Mama WODs are free to everyone and anyone, always have and always will be. The 90 Day Challenge we are doing is just an additional Challenge that some of the Mamas are participating in. The WODs are still the same so everyone can still follow along with the workouts just as before.
A few things to remember about the costs of the Vi-shake is that they are only $1.50 a day and all of the Mamas who are participating in the challenge have given up caffeine, soda, and now alcohol, which one of those beverages alone can cost more than $1.50. When most people look at their actual budget and see how much they are spending on things like soda, coffee, eating out, alcohol, lunches, etc., they will see that they are saving a large amount of money each month by consuming a $1.50 protein shake in place of all of those things. It is all about perspective. (I am sure we could find 3 people that would like to finally achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. ;)
I noticed that you do wod's M-F and on other crossfit sites they recommend 3 days on and 1 day off. M-F works better for me but I wanted to make sure this is how you all are doing it.
Jenny- Yes. I post M-F because Saturday is our family day and Sunday is our Sabbath Day so we rest on those days. It works better for Moms I think. :)
How often should you do the WOD? Everyday? 3-4 times a week?
JMUKristen- We do the WODs M-F and we do every single one. I don't allow myself to pick and choose or skip because that is just a downward spiral of excuses and slacking for me. ;)
I just want to thank you :) I look forward to waking up and seeing what the wod is going to be! I have 5 daughters (3-14) that I homeschool, so a quick work out just what i need. I recently ran a half marathon, but just wasn't as toned as I wanted. This is what I've been missing!!!
I am slowly learning what other moms substitute for certain exercises (i.e. thrusters for wall balls, floor k2e for k2e) but haven't seen a discussion about what to sub for pull ups if I don't have a bar...
Any suggestions?
You can sub reverse pull-ups or push-ups.
Jonatha- You are welcome! It is just what I need too! That is why I knew it would help so many other Moms and Mamas!
R u going to b previewing the WODs all the time now? (Like this week). I miss the daily element of surprise :-)
KPgr8ful- I am not sure what you mean? How are they previewed?
I've begun from day one this round and am totally excited. I was athlete through highschool and scholarship athlete in college. now I have my 6 month old(best friend). I'm so competitive and posting times is a great secret way to be competitive, my hubby is thinks it's hilarious. I did do an initial weigh in and photos! thanks!
p.s. when one cycle is done, do you just begin the next?
Mama Kara from cali
The WODs (the title & description) from weds to fri were on the home page this week, but I couldn't actually click into it or post a comment until the day of. Am I making sense? :-)
KPgr8ful- I understand what you are saying. That is weird. It shouldn't show like that. Let me know if it does that this week.
That is awesome. You are going to rock this Challenge! Yes, once this one ends, another will begin. :)
People keep posting about GPU and BPU. What does that mean?
Becca- Girl Push-Ups and Boy Push-Ups
Thank you! I'm so glad I found your blog, I'm excited to try your programming!
Hi Jenni, I am a single mum, my little girl is in school, and I work all day, so often I may only get to do the WOD after she has gone to bed, (sometimes I fit it in when she is still up... She likes counting my reps!). However I struggle to do the running... I am saving up for a treadmill, but at the moment I cannot leave the house to run, what do you suggest I use as a running substitute until I get a treadmill? Thanks, Ali
Hi Ali- I have posted a list of running substitutes and distances on our Facebook page. :)
Is the group still on facebook? I tried entering the url address that you posted in an earlier comment but it says it can't find the page. Then when I typed "crossfit mamas" into the facebook search it only came up with a closed group of 22 people whose names don't seem to match with any on this site. I would like to get connected if possible. Thanks!
I noticed people posting about the 30 burpee challenge and was wondering what it was?
The 30 burpee challenge is not from me but I think it entails doing 30 burpees a day? I have no idea. :/
We are now Hiit Mamas. If you search that on Facebook you will find us. Here is the link:
Thanks Jenni!
2 questions. First question. What do you recommend doing in place of pull-ups? And is there a spot on this page to find alternates of exercises?
I would sub push-ups for pull-ups until you can get a pull-up bar.
Number 9 (above) gives alternatives to running, other than would just have to make up your own trying to use the same muscle groups.
Informative post. Thanks for sharing
Gym In Australia
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